Saturday, April 03, 2010
I'm off blogging for a couple of months, but I have to share this one thing. I have just watch Grey's Anatomy, first season episode 6. The narrator's script spoken by Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompey) has caught me with something I've been thinking lately. It's divided into two sections, the first was told at the beginning of the episode and the second was at the end. Just read along...
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Glee is a music club in high school consisting students that are at the bottom of social heap. They sing and perform and also get bullied often by others. The L word in the above picture is a gesture sign mocking a Loser. Its TV Series is playing now at Star World every Wednesday at 8PM WIB. Last week it was the first episode of the first season. It was aired before in Fox TV for a full first season, and has recently received Golden Globe Award for
the best TV Series - Comedy.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
I've just checked my StatCounter account. It is a service that lets you analyze the visitors of your site. In a glance, you can use it to track the unique visitors and returning visitors to your site, how much time the visitors spend in our site, entry/exit pages, visitors paths, popular pages and many more features. I haven't checked it all but it seems a great tool to have because you can analyze what is the strength of your site, and
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
I was updating my blog design in these past 7 days. It was more of functionality upgrade by programmatic approach rather than fine tuning the css and html code. I use jQuery to further leverage functionality and the look of my free blogger account. jQuery is a Javascript API (for a non-geek, you can call it some kind of a feature upgrade to the web pages) that lets you get fantastic result by writing only a small piece of javascript code. There are many sites that is using jQuery, to name some of the popular ones are Google and Facebook.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Our parents once taught us to save our money aside. Be it in a piggy bank or bank. When we grow up a little bit we were opened an account in bank. Then we gotta work. For most of us, our salary is transfered into our bank account. They said that when we put our money in bank, we get paid an interest. Now in Indonesia,
the yearly interest rate is about 2.25% (BCA - Bank Central Asia). So if we put Rp. 10,000,000.- in BCA on 2009, then in the end of the year, the money in our account would become Rp. 10,225,000.-. It is still not be accounted for tax, administration fees, etc (check it
here). It seems that we make a profit from it, but actually we don't. Why?
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Ok! Semalam, tiba2 aja ga tahu ide darimana, mungkin juga karena nganggur, aku coba2 ngerubah layout dan template blog. Aku pikir sekalian aja dibagusin. Ada beberapa aspek yang berubah di blogku ini:
- Template, aku memilih template dengan layout 3 kolom supaya dapat menampilkan lebih banyak informasi tanpa membuat halaman menjadi lebih panjang. Yang baca juga ngga capek/malas scroll ke bawah.
- Setiap post aku break dengan [Read More], tujuannya untuk menyingkat halaman utama kalau ada post yang panjang. Teman2 cukup membaca beberapa kalimat awal untuk mengetahui gambaran singkat mengenai post, kalau tertarik maka tinggal klik link [Read More] untuk membaca detilnya. Hal ini jadi menarik karena dengan peletakan [Read More] yg tepat, orang bisa jadi penasaran untuk
Ada seorang gadis remaja yang menyukai kotak musik antik yang dipajang di sebuah etalase toko. Kemudian gadis tersebut mulai bekerja dan menabung penghasilannya untuk membeli kotak musik tersebut. Setelah delapan bulan lamanya bekerja dan menabung, suatu hari gadis itu melewati toko tersebut, sambil memandang kotak musik pada etalase dengan mata berbinar-binar ia bergumam... "Segala jerih payahku selama ini akan selesai besok ketika kuterima gaji untuk bulan ini. Pada akhirnya aku bisa membeli kotak musik antik itu."
If you're at bottom, there is no other way but UP!!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Post kali ini adalah mengenai apa yang dikerjakan oleh orang2 yang bekerja dalam bidang pekerjaanku. Pekerjaanku adalah di dalam bidang IT yang berhubungan dengan bidang Pendidikan dan Investasi. Yang ingin saya tunjukkan adalah secuil dari apa yang dilakukan oleh orang2 di bidang Investasi yakni mengenai analisis finansial. Apabila ada yang tidak mengerti, coba teruskan baca, karena saya akan coba untuk menjelaskan beberapa hal2 dasar yang akan membantu kalian lebih memahami "kenapa begini dan kenapa begitu?".
Sebelum memutuskan untuk berinvestasi dalam sesuatu (saham, komoditas), biasanya seseorang harus melakukan analisa terlebih dahulu. Analisa dapat dilakukan dalam 2 cara yakni analisa berita dan