Here I am just got home from work. And suddenly, out of nowhere I feel like blogging again. Hence this post.
A lot has happened since, well, my last blog post. I got myself a Vaio. I switched jobs twice. Got a girlfriend and the whole engagement thing. Got a Samsung. Steve Jobs died. Got baptised. Throwed a Blackberry and buy another one. Got into a gym and slacking. Bought a dream PC. Watch lots of movies. Play lots of games.
Come to think about it, it's been a roller coaster ride. And here I am, in 3 months, will be living with The Girl whom I will love and hate, who will be yapping above all my sorrow, who will be burning my hard earned money faster than the blink of an eye. The list would be long. Just hoping that she won't read it though, or else I'm a dead person :p.
So, how about you guys - my fellow bloggers and readers? Care to share the milestones of your life in the comment?
Above it all, I really enjoyed how the pages of my life turn. And no word in any available human languages can describe this feeling of gratefulness. I can't hardly wait for what will come next. This is Aristian speaking, over and out.
The Same
I'm a private tutor now. I have a student who, to be honest, is stubborn.
He is not really good in language arts, especially in making sentences and
11 years ago