The Lion Sleeps Tonight

Just finished watching Friends season 2 episode 12 - The One After the Super Bowl (1) . I laughed a load when they sing "the jungle song" (especially when Joey sing his part)... to call Marcel (the capuchin monkey Ross had)... so i Googled a bit with these keywords: marcel FRIENDS episode song king of the jungle. And i ended up with several results that showed me the title of the song... :) Apparently the song title is "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" which then i use it again as keywords, added with: youtube and friends... Voila!!!... I had gotten 2 links that took me into youtube page that contains the concert version by TOKEN and the Friends version.
These are the links:
This post is actually about kind of how i uses Google everyday to find or learn things i like or want to know. I uses Google a lot when i need to solve problems, questions, riddles (especially about programming). Guess what? you can use Google on tips of solving the Rubik's Cube (available on youtube also). Sometimes i uses it to correct my spelling for English terms (just like i did to correct Rubic's to Rubik's). Too bad you can't find your soulmate using Google, can you? :p

What bugs me in Friendster

sinis mode on

1. Halaman profile yang terlalu bling2 n overloaded, habisin kuota bandwidth internet aja

2. View profile anonymously, yang ini bikin suka bikin penasaran aja kenapa counter who's viewed me nya selalu bertambah terus setiap saat, tetapi kaga ada orang baru yang nampang di situ...

3. Testimonial or Comment, cara kebanyakan orang untuk mengirimkan message yang seharusnya melalui fitur Send Message tetapi menggunakan fitur Post A Comment untuk ngirim message... dan parahnya ada yang sampai ngobrol dengan menggunakan Comment... (how retard was that)... bukannya fitur ini khusus buat ngirim Testimonial, kesan dan pesan atau komentar, terhadap seseorang? bukan dibuat ngirim public message... (come on... these "exhibitionist people" should get their ass an IM software... it has a feature called Offline Message)

4. Friendster Apps... it's rather suck...

5. RSS Feed tidak bisa digunakan lagi pada Profile Page, RSS Feed bisa aku gunakan untuk memberitahu secara otomatis orang2 yang mampir di Profile Page kalau ada post yang baru di weblog ku (atau situs2 yang mendukung RSS), hal ini sangat berguna bagi user yang menggunakan jasa weblog di luar friendster (seperti wordpress atau blogger/blogspot) sebagai situs weblog utamanya...

6. Blog di Friendster... sebenarnya tidak seberapa mengganggu cuman kurang fitur2 advanced aja... but what do you expect? this is a site specially crafted for social networking service...

No offense, sorry if there was... it's just me... bugged

more to come... but i guess for now that's all folks ;)

Quote #1

Let go. Why do you cling to pain? There is nothing you can do about the wrongs of yesterday. It is not yours to judge. Why hold on to the very thing which keeps you from hope and love?
-- Leo Buscaglia
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